J A Z Z & I M P R O V I S A T I O N C O U R S E 2 0 2 4
Starting Thursday 26th September, this is a 12-week course teaching the basics of jazz improvisation, open to anyone who is interested in learning more about jazz and freeing themselves from just following the music!
All abilities welcome, although some proficiency on your instrument is necessary - please contact me for more details.
This class is open to saxophones, clarinets, flutes, trumpets and all brass instruments, bassists and drummers. If I've missed out your instrument and you're keen to come along, please get in touch!
The course runs for 12 Thursdays 7.30-8.30pm from 26th September to 12th December from my home near Portreath. Course cost £120 (£10 per session) payable as £60 deposit upon booking, and £60 balance before the course begins on 26/09/24.
V O C A L I S E C O U R S E 2 0 2 4
Starting Thursday 26th September, this is a 12-week course teaches the basics of singing, reading music, singing from music and singing in parts - great skills to have if you want to sing in a choir, write songs, improve your vocals or just come along and enjoy yourself!
All abilities welcome, this class is aimed at adults but if you are interested for a child please feel free to get in touch.​
The course runs for 12 Thursdays 6.30-7.30pm from 26th September to 12th December from my home near Portreath. Course cost £120 (£10 per session) payable as £60 deposit upon booking, and £60 balance before the course begins on 26/09/24.